Для желающих выразить Мартину благодарность...
Добавлено: 04.07.2013 10:50:29
От Патрика - сайтоводителя MSEGUI.ORG :
Hello All,
If you visit the www.msegui.org website you will see google ads on the
left side of the screen. They have been running for about a year now.
In June (2013) we finally hit enough clicks to get a payment from google
for $102.00.
I have sent that payment to Martin using the "Donate to this Project" on
the website.
Martin, you should see this show up in your paypal account in a day or
two. I don't know what the us dollars will convert to so you will most
likely see something higher or lower.
To those folks who have been clicking on the ad links, thank you.
The ads don't pay a lot for each click so please visit the website
regularly (weekly) and click the ad links (make someone else donate to
Martin) or else make a direct donation using the "Donate to this
Project" menu link.