методом проб прописал -Fu/usr/lib/fpc/2.6.0/units/i386-linux/graph в fpc-2.6.0.cfg , fpc.cfg.save и fpc.cfg ,даже в etc/alternatives/fpc.cfg :
# searchpath for units and other system dependent things
ничего не изменилось, пробовал в самой ide добавить. Все что нашел это options>directories>units туда прописал /usr/lib/fpc/2.6.0/units/i386-linux/graph, пробовал и с -Fu и без него , даже рядом в libraries - ничего не дало.
http://wiki.freepascal.org/Unit_not_fou ... find_units немного прочитал здесь пишут, кажется то что мне надо
Case 2: Compiler finds a unit, but IDE does not
The next sub cases assumes, that Run -> Build (Ctrl+F9) in the Lazarus IDE works, but Find Declaration fails with the error: unit not found. If unsure, check Case 1 as well.
Check if the unit source exists: The IDE searches for pascal source (.pas, .pp) and ignores the .ppu files. The compiler can use a .ppu, but the Lazarus IDE not. This feature is planned, but there is no time frame.
Check if unit directory was added to your fpc.cfg: The compiler uses all paths defined in the fpc.cfg file. The IDE does not read this file. Add the search path to the compiler options of your projects and/or packages.
Check for macros and special compiler flags: The compiler understands the asterisk * character in search paths. The IDE treats this character as normal character. You can add the -Fu, -FU, -FE flags manually to the custom compiler flags in the lazarus IDE, but they are not parsed. Always use the right fields for options. The custom options are only for flags like the -D flag or uncommon compiler options, like new features of the unstable developer compiler.
Rescan the FPC source directory: sometimes after a new/fresh install the IDE has problems finding the FPC sources. Selecting this option from the main menu (Environment/Rescan the FPC directory) might fix the problem.
не могу понять куда мне еще прописать этот путь.