Компилятор ругается на одну из строк следующим образом:
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(102,69) Fatal: Can't find unit Controls used by ACRConverts
Как действовать?
Модератор: Модераторы
(102,69) Fatal: Can't find unit Controls used by ACRConverts
Очень, очень сильно хочу портировать один нестандартный компонент с делфи на лазарус...
Тогда как Lazarus может ругаться на свой же стандартный модуль?
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCriticalSection.pas(25,25) Hint: Type "TRTLCriticalSection" redefinition
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRMemory.pas(245,36) Hint: Local variable "BlockHeader" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRMemory.pas(251,26) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRMemory.pas(265,23) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRMemory.pas(265,15) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRMemory.pas(330,22) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRMemory.pas(408,28) Hint: Local variable "Status" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: Misplaced global compiler switch
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: Misplaced global compiler switch
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(311,18) Hint: Parameter "AppData" not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(316,18) Hint: Parameter "AppData" not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(343,16) Hint: Local variable "strm" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(363,32) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(363,51) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(363,76) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(363,26) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(363,32) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(363,51) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(363,76) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(386,19) Hint: Local variable "zstream" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(393,16) Hint: Variable "OutBuf" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(419,35) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(419,29) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(419,35) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(235,3) Note: Local variable "Levels" not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(229,16) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(264,16) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(262,24) Hint: Parameter "AppData" not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(267,24) Hint: Parameter "AppData" not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(304,16) Hint: Local variable "strm" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(308,16) Hint: Variable "OutBuf" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(321,32) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(321,51) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(321,76) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(321,26) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(321,32) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(321,51) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(321,76) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(343,16) Hint: Local variable "strm" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(351,16) Hint: Variable "OutBuf" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(368,32) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(368,51) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(368,76) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(368,26) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(368,32) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(368,51) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(368,76) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(81,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_RUN" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(82,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_FLUSH" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(84,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_OK" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(85,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_RUN_OK" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(86,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_FLUSH_OK" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(87,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_FINISH_OK" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(89,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(90,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_PARAM_ERROR" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(91,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_MEM_ERROR" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(92,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_DATA_ERROR" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(93,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_DATA_ERROR_MAGIC" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(94,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_IO_ERROR" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(95,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_UNEXPECTED_EOF" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(96,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(98,3) Hint: Local const "BZ_BLOCK_SIZE_100K" is not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(100,3) Note: Local variable "_rNums" not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRBzip2D.pas(155,3) Note: Local variable "_crc32Table" not used
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(768,37) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(1239,40) Hint: Local variable "CHeader" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(1300,18) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(1628,39) Hint: Local variable "OutBuf" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(1634,35) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the subtract could prevent overflow errors.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(1682,46) Hint: Local variable "OutBuf" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(1689,54) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(1782,41) Hint: Local variable "TempBuf" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(1847,47) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(1849,55) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(2151,12) Hint: Local variable "TempPath" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(2264,27) Hint: Local variable "Len" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRCompression.pas(2272,23) Hint: Local variable "b" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: The switch "$E" is not supported by the currently selected target
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Note: Ignored compiler switch "$F"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Note: Ignored compiler switch "$G"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: Unsupported switch "$K"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: Unsupported switch "$N"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: Unsupported switch "$Y"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(59,20) Hint: Type "PByte" redefinition
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(60,20) Hint: Type "PInteger" redefinition
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(61,20) Hint: Type "PWord" redefinition
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: The switch "$E" is not supported by the currently selected target
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Note: Ignored compiler switch "$F"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Note: Ignored compiler switch "$G"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: Unsupported switch "$K"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: Unsupported switch "$N"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: Unsupported switch "$Y"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(285,57) Error: Illegal qualifier
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(297,59) Error: Illegal qualifier
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(1451,15) Warning: Calling an overload function in assembler
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(1464,15) Warning: Calling an overload function in assembler
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(1678,28) Error: Identifier not found "FindClassHInstance"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(1688,22) Error: Identifier not found "AddModuleUnloadProc"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(1738,25) Error: Identifier not found "RemoveModuleUnloadProc"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(1745) Fatal: There were 5 errors compiling module, stopping
qivi писал(а):С этим ещё можно что то сделать?
Vadim писал(а):qivi писал(а):С этим ещё можно что то сделать?
Учить матчасть! На сообщения типа "Hint" и "Warning" внимания не обращайте.
Кстати, Вы обещали английский подтянуть, чтобы понимать сообщения компилятора. Что помешало?
qivi писал(а):Результат просто коласален... или фатален...
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: Misplaced global compiler switch
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: The switch "???" is not supported by the currently selected target
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Warning: Unsupported switch "???"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\,2) Note: Ignored compiler switch "???"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRZlib.pas(363,32) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(285,57) Error: Illegal qualifier
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(1451,15) Warning: Calling an overload function in assembler
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(1678,28) Error: Identifier not found "FindClassHInstance"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(1688,22) Error: Identifier not found "AddModuleUnloadProc"
C:\lazarus\components\accuracer\ACRDecUtil.pas(1738,25) Error: Identifier not found "RemoveModuleUnloadProc"
ЗЫ: по фотографиям лечить трудно. Просто по имени файла и номеру строчки трудно поправить ошибку.
Кстати, Вы обещали английский подтянуть, чтобы понимать сообщения компилятора. Что помешало?
qivi писал(а):Спасибо за русификацию сообщений.
Скалогрыз, а архивчик с компонентом не смотрели? Может могли бы помочь чемто не по "фотографиям"... я бы был безгранично благодарен.
скалогрыз писал(а):Кстати, с компилятором идёт руссификация сообщений! =) ленивые (на язык) могут и её подцепить...
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