Can I create commercial products with this?
Yes. The code for the Free Pascal compiler is licensed under the GPL. This means that it is open source, free, whatever name you want to stick to it. You can modify the code if you wish but you MUST distribute those changes or make them available to others if they wish to use it.
The FCL (Free Pascal Component Libraries) and the LCL (which will eventually become part of the FCL) are licensed under a modified LGPL. In a nut shell this means that you can write your own proprietary software that just links to these libraries. You can sell your application without the need to supply or make available your code. However, as with the compiler if you make modifications to the FCL or LCL you must make those changes available to the general public and the world.
Означает ли это, что компоненты, которые наследуются от классов
- Код: Выделить всё
TMyButtonWithBell = class(TButton)
должны быть под той же лицензией, что и Лазарус? Считается ли это модификацией LCL?