Logos » 27.03.2006 22:24:58
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(266,34) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(266,34) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(323,9) Hint: Local variable "iBlobType" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(323,9) Hint: Local variable "iMaxSeg" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(323,9) Hint: Local variable "iSegs" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(346,32) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(503,41) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(510,50) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(512,77) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(514,81) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(528,23) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(616,21) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(783,37) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(783,37) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(788,37) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(788,37) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(800,5) Hint: Local variable "Dy" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(800,5) Hint: Local variable "Mn" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(800,5) Hint: Local variable "Yr" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(801,5) Hint: Local variable "Ms" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(801,5) Hint: Local variable "S" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(801,5) Hint: Local variable "Mt" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(801,5) Hint: Local variable "Hr" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(818,33) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(818,33) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(830,5) Hint: Local variable "Dy" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(830,5) Hint: Local variable "Mn" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(830,5) Hint: Local variable "Yr" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(847,33) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(847,33) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(859,5) Hint: Local variable "Dy" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(859,5) Hint: Local variable "Mn" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(859,5) Hint: Local variable "Yr" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(860,5) Hint: Local variable "Ms" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(860,5) Hint: Local variable "S" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(860,5) Hint: Local variable "Mt" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(860,5) Hint: Local variable "Hr" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(877,35) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(877,35) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(895,34) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(895,34) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(913,33) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(913,33) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(931,37) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(931,37) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(949,36) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(949,36) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(968,33) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(968,33) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(988,34) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(988,34) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1006,35) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1006,35) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1045,36) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1045,36) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1074,36) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1074,36) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1106,33) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1106,33) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1124,37) Error: Duplicate identifier "Value"
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1124,37) Hint: Identifier already defined in FIBQuery.pas at line 103
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1307,27) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1308,27) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1754,11) Hint: Local variable "sParamName" does not seem to be initialized
C:\lazarus\myext\fibl\FIBQuery.pas(1821,30) Hint: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error
А можно поподробнее об опциях. ??? я совсем новичек - стаж работы - 3 дня....
Хотя в делфи солидный стаж, и я рассматриваю возможность создания компонентов для Lazarus.
Буду рад любым пояснениям.
Зараннее спасибо.